
Chin surgery, also known as mentoplasty, is a procedure to reshape the chin, either by enhancement with an implant or reduction surgery on the bone. Wilmington Plastic Surgery's three board-certified physicians have the experience and expertise to accomplish excellent results for their patients.

Chin augmentation is commonly performed to improve the balance of one's facial profile and correct a "weak" or receding chin due to congenital deficiency, age-related bone resorption or facial trauma. A weak chin can make the nose seem larger or make the neck appear fatty and undefined.

Chin augmentation with an implant is the procedure of choice for most patients with normal teeth and jaw development. A chin implant gives more projection of the chin and a better shape, producing a dramatic effect on one's overall facial features. Wilmington Plastic Surgery surgeons will select an implant that is the proper size and shape to best enhance your appearance.

Wilmington Plastic Surgery surgeons may also recommend a chin procedure to a patient having nose surgery in order to achieve facial proportion, as the size of the chin may magnify or minimize the perceived size of the nose. You may also be interested in our face implant procedures.

Stop by our main office in Wilmington, North Carolina, call 910-509-SKIN, or Schedule your appointment.


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