Wilmington Plastic Surgery News & Events

Cinco De Mayo Coolsculpting Event

For some, Cinco de Mayo is a day for good food, drinks, and celebration. For Wilmington Plastic Surgery, things were a little different. Focusing on helping women be the best version of themselves, a Coolsculpting event was held on May 5.
Guests were given two-time options for the event and both were heavily attended. The event allowed attendees to receive a free Coolsculpting consultation, earn special pricing, and giveaways.
Coolsculpting is unique in that it employs the technology of cryolipolysis. This technology freezes stubborn fat cells, which eventually kills them. Once these fat cells die, your body metabolizes them and they exit your body naturally. For more information on Coolsculpting, keep an eye on our Facebook page or call us at 910-509-SKIN.

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